The goal of the project was to design a one-stop musician booking platform. Aside from the booking, the platform also has a social aspect, which allows users, including musicians, to engage with other users to share their life and experiences.
I was the only designer on the project so everything you see I created myself. I was involved in everything from defining personas, conducting user research, usability study, wireframes, prototypes, and all the way to creating final UI designs.
There is a quantity of information online, but it is still difficult for users to find their desired musicians efficiently.
A platform that connects users and musicians, and presents relevant options to personalize the user experience, saving time spent searching.
I conducted interviews with 5 participants about their experience with booking musicians. All participants were between the ages of 20 to 55. Interview questions were:
Two personas were generated by five interviewees. They were fictional users whose goals and characteristics represented the needs of a larger group of users.
The journey map were generated based on Helen's story. The main goal was to book a pianist for the company annual event quickly and efficiently.
Hard to find desired musicians within budget
Time-consuming process
Payment Security
How might we help users who book musicians for the first time feel comfortable?
How might we create an easy and efficient booking experience for users?
How might we help user to save time?
User Task: Book a musician by searching.
Usability Study Round 1
Usability Study Round 2